I finally have some news. First though, let me explain to you how this all happened. Marcus and I love to watch Friends together (if you haven't watched it, who are you?!). Well there is a couple on there who we relate to a lot (Monica and Chandler). Now said couple are married, and in this particular episode they visit a fertility clinic because they've been trying to have a baby. Well, the news isn't great. To put it in the words of Chandler (which has now become Marcus's favorite quote mind you) "It means that my guys won't get off their Barca loungers, and you have a uterus that is prepared to kill the ones that do." And let me tell you, I lost my shit. Marcus held me as I cried like I've never cried before. After watching this episode so flash forward to I'd say a few weeks later, Marcus and I got to talking, and we decided that I was to call the Women's Clinic and we were finally going to make an appointment. Well needless to say after calling again yesterday, the date we hoped for (the 11th) is all booked up. But, April 18th, 11:15 am....we have an appointment. This is it. This is happening. It's scary, and exciting, and nerve racking all at once. But we did it. We made a giant step, and this is only the beginning.
I love you.