No results on my blood test as of today which is okay. Pretty much I cannot go have my hsg test (If you don’t know what that is google it) until I’m on my cycle. So as soon as that comes up, I call the office and schedule an appointment to get it done. One blood test was sent out, and the other two are in house, so hopefully our doctor will have those results soon. Marcus was sent home with a collection cup which we are going to call and make an appointment for him next week to go and turn it in. He has to collect his sample, and run it back to the doc within 30 minutes ( we live about 15 minutes away). If all goes well, she will start me on three months of clomid and may or may not have to increase it depending on how I ovulate, and how high my 21 day progesterone screening goes. If after three months clomid is a no go as in not pregnant, then we get referred to the infertility clinic in Idaho falls, which for us is 45 minutes away. So there is all that we learned yesterday. It gives me a sense of comfort to know what will be happening in the near future. Keep your fingers and anything else crossed for us.
I love you.
