Well, today's the day. Ovulation day to be exact. You know when you go into a restaurant and the server says "Merrick, party of two?" That's how it feel when this comes around. Every. Single. Month. It's been pretty uneventful here as the weather is windy and cold. Other then that I don't feel much different. I'm more nervous for this cycle considering what happened to us with the last. I feel as if I should hold out hope yet again, but it's pretty hard to do so all things considered. Anyway, we've just been taking it as it comes and trying to not get our hopes up. After this, we enter the two week wait yet again, and I'm honestly not looking forward to holding my breath. But we will see (I know I'm tired of hearing/saying it to) what happens this round. Like normal, like we always do. If you would like to keep your fingers crossed for us, that's great. I will keep you all posted as much as possible. Thanks for listening to me vent.
I love you.