I have both my ovaries! Doctor found my left side. There’s either a septum or my uterus is biocornuate (looks like rabbit ears). If it’s a septum, they can surgically remove it (I’ll include the link down below). If not, then we will work with what we got. Marcus’s semen analysis numbers are actually in the normal range, doc went over them with us. So I need an mri to check out my uterus, and then we go from there with iuip, which is just the trigger shot to make me ovulate instead of all the drugs. Do a few rounds of that, and if that doesn’t take then we go from there. This is the best news we’ve gotten out of everything we’ve been through so far. It’s been crazy, scary, and hectic to say the least. We are so so ready to welcome a tiny Merrick into our arms, and our home. This is it. This is were it all begins. Here we go.
I love you.
